Reiki is a gift that last a lifetime (and more). It is actually Universal Life Energy that is transferred from the spirit through the Reiki practitioner to the client, who can be any species or any vegetation, or I'll say, any object. Yes, I've used Reiki on inanimate objects quite a few times. You can Reiki your food to eliminate impurities. You can Reiki your aura to cleanse it of unwanted energies. You can Reiki newly acquired quartz crystals and other stones to cleanse and ready them for use. Most importantly, for me is its use on animals and hopsice patients. If I say the word Reiki, my macaw assumes his relaxed, fluffy neck position with his head cocked and his claws in his mouth and he fits his head perfectly into the palm of my hand to receive his energy boost. My female Irish Water Spaniel responds to the word "aura." When I say "aura!" she lies on her back, legs open, ready to receive a Reiki bath. I took...
Enlightenment from Our Animal Companions by Lisa Shaw, Animal Intuitive, R.M.