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Showing posts from January, 2016

Well, We All Shine On: Karmic Lessons from the Animals

 “Well, I didn’t see  that  coming!”  “What goes around comes around.”  “I hope he gets what he deserves."      We can all identify with having uttered or heard these phrases after falling victim to someone’s ill intentions or witnessing an unprovoked self-serving or predatory act.  Every such action has more than one victim but we will likely not see the justice we crave in this lifetime. While we might want to even the score, we are better served by allowing the laws of karma to heal the effects naturally.  And that means, essentially, learning from our mistakes on higher levels, sometimes in future incarnations.      But we want it, and we want it  now !       Sometimes we expect karma to engulf us like a huge wave, and as John Lennon said, knock us off our feet, forcing us to learn that pestering lesson once and for all. But a life outside of isolation doesn't always allow for such easy ...