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Rescue Love

This weekend I had the opportunity to offer my services at one of Palm Beach County's largest dog events, Pet-a-Palooza in Jupiter. Most of the tri-county humane organizations had booths, from A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue to Florida Parrot Rescue.

 I had an animal communication station where I offered free readings to all who stopped by (I thank you and my gas tank thanks youfor your generous donations!), and from 11 a.m. - 5  p.m. I read one dog after another, taking only one quick bathroom break around 2.  The event was sponsored by Sunny 107.9 and WIRK, and through  their very generous advertising, the turnout was enormous.  I apologize for having turned away people after 5 p.m.  even though they had waited in line.  The booths were being dismantled and honestly, after reading nearly 40 dogs, I would not have been as sharp as I had been earlier.


I read every kind of "poo-" there could possibly be -- shihpoos, maltipoos, yorkipoos, whippetpoos, and read for some magnificent representatives of their breed: the most stunning and gentlemanly German Shepherd I've ever met, a couple of adorable, smile provoking American Bull Dogs, and one exquisite and cuddly large boned Golden Retriever.

Many people brought their rescues for a reading, seeking insight into their lives before their rehoming, and most came with "issues" as so many rescues do. Whether they are territorial or timidity issues,  each of these dogs entered its new home with a heart full of gratitude to their new caretakers.  Most of them were welcomed into homes with other animals, which satisfies their pack instincts. Trusting and open, they allowed me to enter their auras  to retrieve and exchange information.  A few times, as I sat  cheek to cheek with a blue nose pit bull, I thought about all the warnings we hear regarding space, including the recent attack on a Lincoln Road waitress who innocently bent down to give a dog water and was severely bitten  for "getting in the dog's face."  I released those thoughts.  I've been up close and personal with  many pit bulls over the last 25 years and have never found them aggressive or territorial with me, but I respect them as I approach them, always asking their permission and entering their space with love, so  they respond in kind.   Often the pit rescues  combat the emotional and physical residue from r previous owners who used them for fighting.  This weekend I read for some dogs who had major physical scars, one who looked like his snout had been ripped in half and sewn back (a hound that had been attacked, unprovoked, by a wandering pit bull)  and one lab mix who had a scar not readily visible....the dog wanted to make sure I knew about it and told me to look on the right side of his belly.  The owners verified this and gave me a better look at the incision. 

These rescue dogs want only to be loved and held and their joy after rescue is palpable.   To meet so many humans who have opened their hearts and homes to them, engendering that joy,  is encouraging,  a downpouring of Divine Light  in a world too often overcome by darkness.

Thank you all for allowing me into your Light.


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